The Equipping Center Essential Ministries
God created the Heavens and the Earth with spoken words.
Then, He created man and gave man something that all creation did not have – His Spirit. At TEC, we believe that by the Holy Spirit we are equipped to be and serve The Church beyond our human limits. Through prayer, we can create change, just like God did… from the beginning. As it is written, because we believe, we speak. Be involved in the positive change that prayer affords us daily as we speak God’s word. For we have this confidence, that when we pray, He hears us…
Sunday Mornings @ 9:15 am
Need agreement in prayer?
Thank God for children! The children at TEC are being equipped with the knowledge that God needs them! Ranging from 1st grade to 5th grade, God has a plan that was activated at birth and they are being trained to understand His great Love for them in order to understand themselves. Each week, POWERHOUSE is ready and excited to discover more about Jesus. They are learning that God is always with them, that they can always speak with Him, and that no matter what, God loves them and has created them for GREATNESS! LOVE IS POWERFUL!
Sunday mornings @ 10 following Family Worship
Trained for the Kingdom
Kingdom Ambassadors are aged 8 weeks to 5 years old. This age is the most critical growth age. Developmental Psychologists say that the rate at which we learn more in our first five years is greater than any other time in our lives. Kingdom Ambassadors are filling this time with the knowledge of Christ. They are ready and eager to learn the Word of God through songs that glorify God and fun, biblical activities. They are being fully equipped to love and share what they learn with their families.
Every Sunday 10am Church Service
We are more effective and powerful when we are connected. The Media Team is at work to keep us connected with TEC news, in-house ministries, and events. So let’s get plugged in and stay connected! Love exemplified is our love for one another. What better way than to share and celebrate our lives together? The TEC Media Team wants to put YOU on BLAST! Tell us how the power is working in you and let us celebrate God’s blessing in your life!
Get Plugged In & Stay Connected
At The Equipping Center we believe in teaching believers of all ages the importance and benefits of higher education. We also believe that Education is the key to escape the grip of poverty and fulfill God's purpose for our lives. Each day brings new opportunities. Be READY! The Equipping Center was birthed from a desire to see The Church learn how to live the life that many talk about but seldom see. Equipped with knowledge for successful living, your career will help you escape the talent traps that rob you of fulfillment and allow you to fulfill the purpose of God for your life. Come out and discover what the Lord is doing!
Family is and always will be God’s idea. The Equipping Center is a place where we believe in healthy families. Healthy families create healthy neighborhoods. Healthy neighborhoods create healthy communities. Healthy communities create a healthy Church. As a healthy Family, we learn to love together, create together, and support one another in order that we live out the GREATNESS that God has already planned for our lives. As we invest in one another, we grow into the men and women we were created to be. At TEC, families truly matter!
Worship, the way we honor God through Music and The Arts, connects us universally - even across global barriers. As we honor God together, we allow our lives to be refueled and ignited for daily Living! At TEC, the Presence of God is a faithful reminder of how much he wants to connect, comfort, and prepare us for each day. Whether singing, dancing, or playing instruments, it is all for one reason… We want people to personally experience Life with God. We live and serve to make His Presence known!
In a fun, spirit-filled environment, The Circuit powers the youth at TEC to discover who they are in Christ. The Circuit exists to equip and develop young people in their identity with Jesus and His gift of Life to us all. Understanding their identity in Him is vital for success every day as they also help one another through the challenges of Life. Being taught to live out their Greatness, The Circuit is Unbreakable!
God has requested the service of all believers in sharing the Gospel with a world that so desperately needs it. The Equipping Center is committed to God to be available to serve in Greenville and abroad. As ambassadors for Christ, TEC delivers food, clothing, daily care products, medical services, and other personal necessities as we love the forgotten ones. Equipped to share the love of God, we continually see God’s faithfulness to rescue lives and save souls! It not only changes them but changes us over and over again. What a privilege to serve!
Outreach @ TEC
Outreach is about staying relevant in a changing world while presenting Jesus as The Answer to life’s challenges. IMPACT, the Outreach Ministry @ TEC, is an active agent of change in our global community by caring for and serving those who are in need, oppressed, and/or abandoned. We are the living, breathing, Body of Christ, called to go and make an IMPACT because each life matters to God.
You matter! Families matter! Life was not meant to be experienced alone. Think about the positive impact different people have made in your life. Now imagine if they were never there. That is the negative effect of Isolation. Just as they were a positive impact for you, God has designed you to positively change someone else’s life experience. Membership at TEC means being together. Membership means “I belong”. You belong to something bigger than yourself and your family. “I belong” also means you fit. You are not a misfit. You have been designed by God with Purpose and Intention. As a family at TEC, we grow stronger, fitly jointed, to live life… together.
Member Services
Life Events Ministry
Life Together
Being skilled in all matters of Life is the principal issue. Therefore, it is also vital to gain Understanding. Skill and Understanding bring meaning and joy to your Life.
Are you learning, applying, and growing in your knowledge of God? Are you also learning, applying and growing in your knowledge of yourself? If your answers are Yes and No, you are like millions of people that are trying to love God but failing to love themselves because they don’t know who they are. Change this pattern today! You were made to carry treasure. Come out and learn about a dynamic duo, Jesus AND YOU! Discover and develop who you were born to be and get activated in it! Training with the right tools and the right manual is critical to your outcome in life. Let’s get it right together. Come learn how to introduce yourself… to YOU!
Every day, people act. Acting is action. Some actions are good while other actions are destructive. We are always taking action. We re”act” or are pro”active” but either way, we are acting from issue to issue in our lives. Without sound counsel, some decisions are quite difficult and sometimes it is hard to perceive the best action. Wise, understanding, biblical counsel is needed. Always know there is an answer to be found that will produce the best outcome. Reach out. We are here.